Free SMM Panel WordPress Plugin for API Social Media Management

Why Choose Our Free SMM WordPress Plugin?

Our free SMM WordPress plugin, offered in partnership with SMMPlugin , provides a streamlined solution to manage your social media tasks directly from WordPress. Designed with simplicity and efficiency in mind, this plugin connects seamlessly to Urpanel API, automating your social media management and saving you valuable time.

The plugin we offer automatically comes with an Urpanel connection, you just need to login in your urpanel account, identify your API code and paste in inside the SMM API section of your brand new free smm plugin.

The smm wordpress plugin will send any order your receive, to the connected SMM panel service, mimimazing the time your customer has to wait to for the smm service delivery!

Visit smmplugin and download right now your Free Smm API Wordpress-Woocommerce Plugin

Key Features of the SMM Panel WordPress Plugin

Make sure to check the main features of the SMM api plugin

API Integration with

Connect your WordPress website directly to the leading SMM panel Urpanel, ensuring reliable and secure service delivery.

Automated Order Processing with API:

Automate your social media service orders without manual intervention, allowing you to focus on other essential tasks.

Real-Time Order Management:

Manage and monitor your orders in real-time, minimizing the risk of errors and improving overall efficiency.

User-Friendly Interface:

The plugin is designed for ease of use, making it accessible to both beginners and pro users.

The smmplugin can be configured in few minutes.


1. Download the Plugin

Register and download our smm api plugin, from our partner, at


2. Upload to WordPress

Go to your WordPress admin dashboard, click on Plugins > Add New, and upload the smm plugin.


3. Activate the Plugin

Once uploaded, click ‘Activate’ to start using the plugin. Navigate to SMM API to edit the settings.


4. Connect your API

Connect your API, create your first service and enjoy the automation!

Get Started with your new SMM API Plugin NOW!

If you are ready to take your social media management to the next level, you can Download our free SMM WordPress plugin from smmplugin right now. Start managing all your website smm api orders from one place.

Whether you’re an individual user or part of a big team, this plugin is designed to simplify your wordpress website smm orders, connecting your smm wordpress plugin with API


Popular questions

Here you can find some of the popular question related SMM API plugin. If you need further help make sure to contact us!

Yes, it is free and allows you to connect to using API, for social media management.

Yes, the plugin can be used across multiple websites to manage various projects with ease.

The free version includes integration with, automated API order processing, and access to basic features.

Yes, you can manage multiple social media platforms from within your WordPress dashboard using our plugin.

The free version is offered through a partnership between and It allows you to connect only to the Urpanel API, providing essential features for streamlined social media management directly from your WordPress site.